
Tagged ‘waste‘

Il manifesto di Kyoto Club sui bioshopper

Europrogetti aderisce al manifesto del Kyoto Club sui bioshopper per la piena e completa sostenibilità ambientale dei nostri modelli di vita e per la chiusura di un’era: quella dei sacchetti in plastica usa e getta. L’appello chiede al Presidente del Consiglio di dare piena attuazione al divieto di commercializzazione degli shopper monouso che non siano biodegradabili e compostabili conformemente allo standard europeo EN 13432! Per la sottoscrizione

Top Ten Toxic Threats Report 2013

Cleanup, Progress, and Ongoing Challenges

This 2013 report is the eighth in an annual series of reports released by Green Cross Switzerland and Blacksmith Institute. Previous reports have highlighted some of the world’s worst polluted places, presented examples of successful cleanup projects, and outlined the world’s worst pollution problems.

This year’s report takes a look at the progress made in dealing with some of the world’s worst polluted places and sets this against the ongoing identification of thousands more, less notorious, polluted places.

This examination of industries, pollutants, and sites is based on data collected by Green Cross Switzerland and Blacksmith Institute and on industry information, public sources, and the scientific literature.

Top Ten Toxic Threats in 2013: